miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

Ted Talks review


The 4 videos i saw was relationated with print or make your clothes with a 3D printer, don't buy new
clothes, fashion and creativity and lessons from fashion free culture.

The first video i saw explains how to make your own clothes with a 3d printer.
The student trires to make his own clothes for a final project of highschool after that she starts so promove his brand and the new materials she uses to make the clothes.

The second video consists of don't buy anithing new only buy a second hand clothes. The reason of that is that your clothes don't generate more rubish and you are helping the to reduce the number of litter.

Third video talks about the copiright and what consists of. She says that in europe lots of brands copyright they products because in europe exists a harder copyright and the other brands can't copy his designs.

The las video and the most important one says the true of the brands. The brands don't design they own products they copy the differnt products or parts of the products and put it together in a new one. And we have to try to see this and don't buy this things because if we do that we are helping lazy designers and not creative ones.

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