This tv show was made by NBC his first chapter was emited in 2011.
The show was based in the legends of the books of the grim brothers.
and the argument was: Homicide investigator Nick Burkhardt of the Portland Police Department learns he is descended from a line of guardians known as Grimms, charged with keeping balance between humanity and the Wesen, or mythological creatures of the world (Wesen is the German word for being or creature). Throughout the series, he must battle against an assortment of dangerous creatures, with help from his Wesen friend, Monroe, and his partner, Detective Hank Griffin.
I start to watch this show in 2015 and It finishes in 2017 on march.
I like this show because isn't monotonous in every chapter exists 2 stories the first one is a crime and the second one is a Grimm and Wesen problem.
domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017
notice 3
Pyongyang only reports on South Korea when news are negative
The media of North corea only talks about his Neighbour when the news are negative. The media does this becouse they are bound to talks about a things that benefit the ideology of the dictatorship.
according with North Korean journalists have given to the news about the political fall of the president of south korea.
As the veredict of the supreme court was know by the north corean media they emited a especial event explayning what happened and qualifying the ex south corean president of traitor and witch.
After that the south corean provisional goverment activate the alert for the north because the North corean threat to make a rain of fire against south corea.
Usa re armed the pacific navy for a posible war.
your say 2
First of all I'm a CSGO player and I spend money on it. So I'm not a example to follow.
Today I'm goingn to talk about the skins in this game.
The good specs of this game is that if you buy skins you didn't to kill more you didn't have a bonus of hurt for buy this skins and the game is only focused in the aim of the players.
The second one is if you have lucky you can win money in this game and you cand put it into your wallet.
The bad specs are I don't understand why the skins of the guns are so expensive i know that the market is like the exchange so if there are more demand of skins than the players have the price is going to up and if there are more guns than the people who buys the price of that is going to down.
For example the hyperbeast that is a skin deigned by a famous designer is cheaper than the knight camo who was designed by someones in valve. So if someone can explain me thet I would be grateful
First of all I'm a CSGO player and I spend money on it. So I'm not a example to follow.
Today I'm goingn to talk about the skins in this game.
The good specs of this game is that if you buy skins you didn't to kill more you didn't have a bonus of hurt for buy this skins and the game is only focused in the aim of the players.
The second one is if you have lucky you can win money in this game and you cand put it into your wallet.
The bad specs are I don't understand why the skins of the guns are so expensive i know that the market is like the exchange so if there are more demand of skins than the players have the price is going to up and if there are more guns than the people who buys the price of that is going to down.
For example the hyperbeast that is a skin deigned by a famous designer is cheaper than the knight camo who was designed by someones in valve. So if someone can explain me thet I would be grateful
your say 3
Why the humans have to focus our fury?
For start i have to make 2 questions,
1- what happens if we don't focus the fury
2- why we have to control our fury
The humans have to focus our fury in somethinc because we live ina a societi with rules if we dont' focus our fury our society has destinet to collapse. The humans is a animal that always aspires to wont more, more food more places to live.... and always thinks is bettern than oters. So if the humans don't controls the fury we start to kill for win the things we want.
during the story has been repeated many times that there were people who thought that he was better than others until people tired and made a revolution like in france.
For start i have to make 2 questions,
1- what happens if we don't focus the fury
2- why we have to control our fury
The humans have to focus our fury in somethinc because we live ina a societi with rules if we dont' focus our fury our society has destinet to collapse. The humans is a animal that always aspires to wont more, more food more places to live.... and always thinks is bettern than oters. So if the humans don't controls the fury we start to kill for win the things we want.
during the story has been repeated many times that there were people who thought that he was better than others until people tired and made a revolution like in france.
The only thing that the humans can do is focus the fury the agresivity in a sports like karate kickboxing or boxing mma and relax the every animal in us.
your say 1
The new mobiles in the mobile world congress 2017.
In my opinion the mwc 2017 was the wost one in years.
The brands don't present his new top products and I'm not just talking for the apple this year samsung didnt presented the S8 they are making a event for only present this new smatphone.
Sony also don't present his top xperia z ultra it's true thath you can the mobile in a expositor but you can teted it.
This MWC was focused on double camera smarphones and present the new materials like graphene
that is basically a type of coal. Also in this congress has been presented the new smart clothes or wearables.
because of that reasons I put at this mobile world congress 4 /10.
In my opinion the mwc 2017 was the wost one in years.
The brands don't present his new top products and I'm not just talking for the apple this year samsung didnt presented the S8 they are making a event for only present this new smatphone.
Sony also don't present his top xperia z ultra it's true thath you can the mobile in a expositor but you can teted it.
This MWC was focused on double camera smarphones and present the new materials like graphene
that is basically a type of coal. Also in this congress has been presented the new smart clothes or wearables.
because of that reasons I put at this mobile world congress 4 /10.
notice 2
The american multinational has been anounced that the going to make a coference to anounce his new graphics card.
They make lot of hype for this new GPU becaus in pasta Ti they made a titan but with lower performace. The most interesting thing of that is if you enter in the code of the web page and you search you find a countdow and on it puts Gtx 1080Ti World Reveal on 28 of February.
The new GTX GPU is for the top gamers who need lot of power. It has a new pascal architecture of 16nm and 11 gb of ddr5x 1 gb less than the titan.
The price of the Gtx 1080ti is arroun 900$ and the price of the titan is 1400$ so we can have the same performace with a gtx 1080ti and with a titan x pascal for 500$ less.
The american multinational has been anounced that the going to make a coference to anounce his new graphics card.
They make lot of hype for this new GPU becaus in pasta Ti they made a titan but with lower performace. The most interesting thing of that is if you enter in the code of the web page and you search you find a countdow and on it puts Gtx 1080Ti World Reveal on 28 of February.
The new GTX GPU is for the top gamers who need lot of power. It has a new pascal architecture of 16nm and 11 gb of ddr5x 1 gb less than the titan.
The price of the Gtx 1080ti is arroun 900$ and the price of the titan is 1400$ so we can have the same performace with a gtx 1080ti and with a titan x pascal for 500$ less.
notice 1
The new process unit from AMD will be launched on the market on march 2, and today AMD has done the conference talking about this new processor.
The conference has been done by his maximum co Lisa Su. In this conference lisa has talked about how powerful is his new processor.
The new process unit from AMD will be launched on the market on march 2, and today AMD has done the conference talking about this new processor.
The conference has been done by his maximum co Lisa Su. In this conference lisa has talked about how powerful is his new processor.
the company says that the new processor has the same power of the intel ones but they going to sell it at half of price of this. For example the intel core i7 6900k the top of the intel sokets 2011-51 has a price of 1000$ and AMD 1800X has a price of 500$ and the same performance.
we have to wait until 2 of march to know the real power of this processors and if they are as powerful as it seem.
Also in that conference Lisa su talked about the new graphics card of AMD the Vega and she said that we have to wait until may to know this graphis card.
sábado, 11 de marzo de 2017
Donald Trump message.
Hello Sr President.
First of all you haev to know that i'm soinfluenced by you in the concept of create your millonaire fortune and the way you make that.
But i have to say that i'm not proud of you and obyously the way you think.
I'm not really happy whit how are you trying to make america great, i don't think you have to deport millions of latinos or arabs only because you don't like.
I think that you can make a america great without deports anyone or puting a global warming negationist in a medioambiental deparment.
But if you want to crate some work for the people you can make a special divison for cheking/Spying/controling the refugees during 5 years to confirm that they are or not terrorists.
But I'm sure you're going to make a great america in I hope that you don't destroy the planet with more climate warming or your nuclear weapons.
First of all you haev to know that i'm soinfluenced by you in the concept of create your millonaire fortune and the way you make that.
But i have to say that i'm not proud of you and obyously the way you think.
I'm not really happy whit how are you trying to make america great, i don't think you have to deport millions of latinos or arabs only because you don't like.
I think that you can make a america great without deports anyone or puting a global warming negationist in a medioambiental deparment.
But if you want to crate some work for the people you can make a special divison for cheking/Spying/controling the refugees during 5 years to confirm that they are or not terrorists.
But I'm sure you're going to make a great america in I hope that you don't destroy the planet with more climate warming or your nuclear weapons.
I wish you a good mandate.
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