sábado, 11 de marzo de 2017

Donald Trump message.

Hello Sr President.

First of all you haev to know that i'm soinfluenced by you in the concept of create your millonaire fortune and the way you make that.

But i have to say that i'm not proud of you and obyously the way you think.
I'm not really happy whit how are you trying to make america great, i don't think you have to deport millions of latinos or arabs only because you don't like.
I think that you can make a america great without deports anyone or puting a global warming negationist in a medioambiental deparment. 
But if you want to crate some work for the people you can make a special divison for cheking/Spying/controling the refugees during 5 years to confirm that they are or not terrorists.

But I'm sure you're going to make a great america in I hope that you don't destroy the planet with more climate warming or your nuclear weapons.

I wish you a good mandate.

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