sábado, 10 de junio de 2017

66 route:

U.S. Route 66, also known as the Will Rogers Highway, the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, was one of original highways of the United States. US was stablished on  November 11,1926 and the road sings were put in the following year. The highway, which became one of the most famous roads in the US and in the world originary ran form chicago (illinois), crossing Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona before ending in Santa monica's pier. The route cover a total of 3,940 km.

To try to dont have jet lag we are going to spend one day in a hotel near to downtown of chicago, the first thing to do in chicago is register to the hotel and pay after that got ot a a car rent and rent a car (preferably a mostang or a camaro) with this two thing done we can spend time in the city. The next day we can go to indianapolis to watch the indianapolis motor speedway because it's only 3h from chicago, and after that we are going to sant louis to spend the rest of the day and sleep in a hotel.

In 3rd day we are going to Olkahoma City it's 500 miles and 7 hours from San Luis and we have to spend half day there and go to dallas that is 3 hours from Oklahoma City after that  we can visit the plaza Dealey, Plaza Dealey is were Lee harly oswald killed the president Jhon Fitzgerald Kennedy. And we can pray for don't found any tornado in Oklahoma.
The 4-5 day we are going to Alburquerque. Which it's 9 hours and a half away and we can spend a day in this town but it doesn't matter because it's in the middle of the desert. the following day we are going to Arizona and the end of the road trip is near. Arizona is 6 hours and a half from Albruquerque and we can spend there half day or continue the road trip to LA to finish the route. The route ends in Santa monica's piere. The trip costs arround 4000$ includeing the plane tikets.

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