This anime crated by Shuichi Shingeno (drift lover) is a history about Takumi Fujiwara , he is a gas station attendant and in the night Takumi works as a tofu deliver with his toyota sprinter trueno 86AE. One day when he was delivering tofu in mount akina he passed a car of Red suns drove it by Ryosuke Takahashi. After that Ryosuke finds Takumi to acord a race to knew who was the fastest driver. Takumi wins that race and becomes a member of speedstars. Many races after he felt somethig in a race he discovered the drifting world and il·legal races and he improves his abilities racing against the top racers of japan. Takumi accepts the invitation of Keisuke Takahasi to make a new team called project d to race arround japan with the best drifters.
The anime has issued 6 season of this perfect anime in all the spects.
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