66 route:
U.S. Route 66, also known as the Will Rogers Highway, the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, was one of original highways of the United States. US was stablished on November 11,1926 and the road sings were put in the following year. The highway, which became one of the most famous roads in the US and in the world originary ran form chicago (illinois), crossing Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona before ending in Santa monica's pier. The route cover a total of 3,940 km.
To try to dont have jet lag we are going to spend one day in a hotel near to downtown of chicago, the first thing to do in chicago is register to the hotel and pay after that got ot a a car rent and rent a car (preferably a mostang or a camaro) with this two thing done we can spend time in the city. The next day we can go to indianapolis to watch the indianapolis motor speedway because it's only 3h from chicago, and after that we are going to sant louis to spend the rest of the day and sleep in a hotel.
In 3rd day we are going to Olkahoma City it's 500 miles and 7 hours from San Luis and we have to spend half day there and go to dallas that is 3 hours from Oklahoma City after that we can visit the plaza Dealey, Plaza Dealey is were Lee harly oswald killed the president Jhon Fitzgerald Kennedy. And we can pray for don't found any tornado in Oklahoma.
The 4-5 day we are going to Alburquerque. Which it's 9 hours and a half away and we can spend a day in this town but it doesn't matter because it's in the middle of the desert. the following day we are going to Arizona and the end of the road trip is near. Arizona is 6 hours and a half from Albruquerque and we can spend there half day or continue the road trip to LA to finish the route. The route ends in Santa monica's piere. The trip costs arround 4000$ includeing the plane tikets.
sábado, 10 de junio de 2017
viernes, 9 de junio de 2017
yoursay 4
Spain and his enrgy monopolly
In Spain the lasts years the prices of light water and gas has been increassed. An that is true The prices has been incressed because "the energy is more difficult to produce" (paraphrasing president Mariano Rajoy). But that is a lie the prices has beeen incressed because the old politicans and the banks are inside this deal. If the banks and the old politicans arent inside the energy was cheaper.
For example more than half of the bill of light are taxes (supposedly to maintain and fix the natural energies) and at the other part of the bill you have to add 21% of iva. European court bans the goverment of Spain for doing that and the problem heare is that ban is going to be payed with public money and not with the money that they had stoled. The only solution in this repugnant, eveil, and old system is banning the old politicans banning the banks banning all the multinationals of the energy monopoly in Spain and making one of the lasts whises of Nikola Tesla.
your say 3
Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, better known as SpaceX, is an American aerospace manufacturer and space transport services company headquartered in Hawthorne, California. It was founded in 2002 by Elon Musk with the goal of reducing space transportation costs and enabling the colonization of Mars. SpaceX has since developed the Falcon launch vehicle family and the Dragon spacecraft family, which both currently deliver payloads into Earth orbit.
SpaceX's achievements include the first privately funded liquid-propellant rocket to reach orbit (Falcon 1 in 2008); the first privately funded company to successfully launch, orbit, and recover a spacecraft (Dragon in 2010); the first private company to send a spacecraft to the International Space Station (Dragon in 2012);[the first propulsive landing for an orbital rocket (Falcon 9 in 2015); and the first reuse of an orbital rocket (Falcon 9 in 2017). As of March 2017, SpaceX has since flown ten missions to the International Space Station (ISS) under a cargo resupply contract. NASA also awarded SpaceX a further development contract in 2011 to develop and demonstrate a human-rated Dragon, which would be used to transport astronauts to the ISS and return them safely to Earth.
jueves, 8 de junio de 2017
your say 1
initial D
This anime crated by Shuichi Shingeno (drift lover) is a history about Takumi Fujiwara , he is a gas station attendant and in the night Takumi works as a tofu deliver with his toyota sprinter trueno 86AE. One day when he was delivering tofu in mount akina he passed a car of Red suns drove it by Ryosuke Takahashi. After that Ryosuke finds Takumi to acord a race to knew who was the fastest driver. Takumi wins that race and becomes a member of speedstars. Many races after he felt somethig in a race he discovered the drifting world and il·legal races and he improves his abilities racing against the top racers of japan. Takumi accepts the invitation of Keisuke Takahasi to make a new team called project d to race arround japan with the best drifters.
The anime has issued 6 season of this perfect anime in all the spects.
This anime crated by Shuichi Shingeno (drift lover) is a history about Takumi Fujiwara , he is a gas station attendant and in the night Takumi works as a tofu deliver with his toyota sprinter trueno 86AE. One day when he was delivering tofu in mount akina he passed a car of Red suns drove it by Ryosuke Takahashi. After that Ryosuke finds Takumi to acord a race to knew who was the fastest driver. Takumi wins that race and becomes a member of speedstars. Many races after he felt somethig in a race he discovered the drifting world and il·legal races and he improves his abilities racing against the top racers of japan. Takumi accepts the invitation of Keisuke Takahasi to make a new team called project d to race arround japan with the best drifters.
The anime has issued 6 season of this perfect anime in all the spects.
notice 3
FBI ex director James Comey anounces this thursday that he is going to explain to the congres of the united states conversations with th president and him. The congres suspect that Donald Trump ordered comey to stop the investigations to general Flynn and his relations with Russia and the elections.
this porblem has become bigger than Trump tinks, the congres asked for all the documents and listenings to the FBI to determinate if the president could be obstructed the investigations. If this evidences confirms that Trump could be pressure the ex director of FBI the congres proceed to make an impeachment and Trump could be destituted.
miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017
notice 2
In this month of ramada has been increased the number of terrorist atacks.
In both of the worlds. The first atack has been done in Kabul doing 150 deaths.
the second one took place in england and it starts in wetminster bridge killing people with a van. The IS has reclaimed this brutal act and make an advert, sayin that they are going to kill all the people that isn't suni, includeing all the muslims. The third atack has been done in Iran when 2 people with assault rifles and submachine guns start shooting the policemans infronto of the parliament. This urban conflict has been solved with 12 policemans death and the two terrorists death. The IS say that they are goning to make more brutal atacks during the ramadan.
In this month of ramada has been increased the number of terrorist atacks.
In both of the worlds. The first atack has been done in Kabul doing 150 deaths.
the second one took place in england and it starts in wetminster bridge killing people with a van. The IS has reclaimed this brutal act and make an advert, sayin that they are going to kill all the people that isn't suni, includeing all the muslims. The third atack has been done in Iran when 2 people with assault rifles and submachine guns start shooting the policemans infronto of the parliament. This urban conflict has been solved with 12 policemans death and the two terrorists death. The IS say that they are goning to make more brutal atacks during the ramadan.
your say 2
Tokyo ghoul:
This ainme i based on manga of tokyo ghoul, it explains a sotry about a guy who is ataked by ghoul but he becomes one of the ghoul comunity. In the episodes of the first season Kaneki Ken the main character has to make a decision to accept the ghoul part of him or die of hungry. He didnt want to accept the ghoul part because the ghouls kill people to eat and he thinks if he has to do it he is going to lose this umanity. The characters are: Ken Kaneki, Touka Kirishima, Rize kamishio, Uta, Itori, Ayato kirishima, Seidou Takizawa. This anime has 2 seasons and 25 books. The emision of anime started in August of 2013 and heded with the second season in 2014. Tokyo ghoul has created a bigger expectations for the 3rd season but the manga creator and anime creator fought and the audience didn't know if is going to be a 3rd season. What ever if you like this manga you can read the books, that they are published every month.
This ainme i based on manga of tokyo ghoul, it explains a sotry about a guy who is ataked by ghoul but he becomes one of the ghoul comunity. In the episodes of the first season Kaneki Ken the main character has to make a decision to accept the ghoul part of him or die of hungry. He didnt want to accept the ghoul part because the ghouls kill people to eat and he thinks if he has to do it he is going to lose this umanity. The characters are: Ken Kaneki, Touka Kirishima, Rize kamishio, Uta, Itori, Ayato kirishima, Seidou Takizawa. This anime has 2 seasons and 25 books. The emision of anime started in August of 2013 and heded with the second season in 2014. Tokyo ghoul has created a bigger expectations for the 3rd season but the manga creator and anime creator fought and the audience didn't know if is going to be a 3rd season. What ever if you like this manga you can read the books, that they are published every month.
sábado, 3 de junio de 2017
29- Actualment la legislació espanyola permet l’investigació amb cèl·lules mare. Però divideix la utilització d’aquests en dos grups clarament diferenciats. Un és la utilització de semen teixit ovari…. per a destinació únicament d’investigació i l’altre es la utilització de les diferents cèl·lules per a la reproducció assistida. Una vegada les diferents cèl·lules s’han classificat no es poden transferir d’un grup a un altre.
Les principals línies d’investigació amb cèl·lules mare estan relacionades amb la rescontrucció i el retard de l’envelliment del cervell. Creació de cèl·lules en un laboratori. I teràpia per a problemes motors.
viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017
Gap Year Review
The Guardian:
"As in young people who go off round Asia or South America or wherever, with their Lonely bloody Planet guides, in search of mind-broadening new experiences. Like these people in Gap year.
I had one once, a gap year – actually about five years – and I hated myself, too, as well as all the other people doing it. But I have often thought that it’s been neglected as a source of comedy. The dialogue is good and believable, and funny."
The tv serie was easy to follow, the line is basic the tipical line of a serie that the final good for all the characters.
Basden has put together a nice cast of characters. Sean’s an amiable English lad, on a lad’s trip, with his old mate, escaping from the humdrum of his life at home. He’s actually a wheely suitcaser, as opposed to a backpacker, and would be better off in Thailand than China, as the travel writer on the plane said. But Dylan has brought him to Beijing, on false pretences as it happens: he’s stalking his ex (on her “track my run” app, ha, nice touch).
Then there are Americans Ashley, who’s a good-time girl, and May, who isn’t. She has been sent to China by her mother to explore her Asian roots. Tagging along with the girls, not entirely (really not, especially by May) welcome, is my favourite Greg (Tim Key), who is English, likes cricket, is a little bit creepy and a bit tragic and far too old to be doing this kind of thing. He’s a bit like Dan, the Joe Wilkinson character, in Him & Her. Oh, and then there are a couple of Irish backpacking honeymooners, who don’t play a massive part in this opener but whom I hope we will be seeing more of, mainly because Mrs is played by Aisling Bea and will nick any scene she’s in.
They all kind of hook up, and get on, and don’t get on, and try to unhook up, or hook up more. The comedy is about cultural difference, and cliches about traveller types – not massively surprising maybe, but very nicely observed. I think Basden might have been on the road himself. Greg has one of those probably practical but really annoying head torches, and wants to play football with the locals (“Hey guys, I’ll have a piece of this!”).
May thinks that the music festival they go to isn’t Chinese enough; and she wants to get up at 5.30 in the morning to see the wall – the great one – at sunrise. Do you think, in 2,000 years’ time or so, Asian tourists visiting ancient monuments in the once powerful world civilisation of the United States will get up early to see the great wall there at sunrise? The one Emperor Donald built to keep out marauding criminals, drug dealers and rapists from the south? Possibly.
The dialogue is good and believable, and funny: “I’m honestly not trying to be a dick,” Dylan tells his mate. “Well try a bit harder,” moans Sean.
Sean calls Dylan by his school nickname, Dildo (which is what it would have been), though Dylan doesn’t appreciate it any more – he thinks it might be offensive to women. The ex he’s stalking has a new love interest, a convivial sporty American, who calls himself Social Norm. Oh and at the music festival there’s a capsizing festival toilet. Toppled over, by Sean, while occupied, by Dylan. More of the same shit, all over the place.
Gap Year is very silly and very puerile, and I mean both in a good way. A Plebs way. Hey guys, I’ll have a piece of this: mind if I tag along, too?
Personaly i don't like this tv serie it's basicly the history of a group of people from england who do this trip for "reflection" before enter to the college and it's to sad belive in a trip what does mean your last trip out of your country.
sábado, 13 de mayo de 2017
Notice 1
The 2017 Windows day zero:
The past 13 of may a massive hack knoks the world. The hack involves 74 countryes and more than 57.000 infected computers.
All start's in Spain when some pc of Iberdrola, Movistar, Gas Natural where encripted externaly and in teh scrren you have to pay with bitcoins to decrypt your pc. The hack expands to England Affecting the NSH after that the Hack goes to Russia, USA, Canada...
The hack where made with the program wana cry using a failure of the security.
A group of hackers some months before of this attack, Hacked the NSA to steel a cyberweapon to make the attack ubefore of that they send an offert to windows. The location of the Day Zero for an amount of money but the Company refused thes offer and he makes a new parch for the firewall. The experts don't know why if the actualitzation was made why Windows don't publish it.
Today the attack was controlled and windows has been actualized. Actually windows still losing money in the daw jones. This year was the first in 26 years that the windows.corp lose money in the Down jones.
The past 13 of may a massive hack knoks the world. The hack involves 74 countryes and more than 57.000 infected computers.
All start's in Spain when some pc of Iberdrola, Movistar, Gas Natural where encripted externaly and in teh scrren you have to pay with bitcoins to decrypt your pc. The hack expands to England Affecting the NSH after that the Hack goes to Russia, USA, Canada...
The hack where made with the program wana cry using a failure of the security.
A group of hackers some months before of this attack, Hacked the NSA to steel a cyberweapon to make the attack ubefore of that they send an offert to windows. The location of the Day Zero for an amount of money but the Company refused thes offer and he makes a new parch for the firewall. The experts don't know why if the actualitzation was made why Windows don't publish it.
Today the attack was controlled and windows has been actualized. Actually windows still losing money in the daw jones. This year was the first in 26 years that the windows.corp lose money in the Down jones.
domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017
your say 4
This tv show was made by NBC his first chapter was emited in 2011.
The show was based in the legends of the books of the grim brothers.
and the argument was: Homicide investigator Nick Burkhardt of the Portland Police Department learns he is descended from a line of guardians known as Grimms, charged with keeping balance between humanity and the Wesen, or mythological creatures of the world (Wesen is the German word for being or creature). Throughout the series, he must battle against an assortment of dangerous creatures, with help from his Wesen friend, Monroe, and his partner, Detective Hank Griffin.
I start to watch this show in 2015 and It finishes in 2017 on march.
I like this show because isn't monotonous in every chapter exists 2 stories the first one is a crime and the second one is a Grimm and Wesen problem.
This tv show was made by NBC his first chapter was emited in 2011.
The show was based in the legends of the books of the grim brothers.
and the argument was: Homicide investigator Nick Burkhardt of the Portland Police Department learns he is descended from a line of guardians known as Grimms, charged with keeping balance between humanity and the Wesen, or mythological creatures of the world (Wesen is the German word for being or creature). Throughout the series, he must battle against an assortment of dangerous creatures, with help from his Wesen friend, Monroe, and his partner, Detective Hank Griffin.
I start to watch this show in 2015 and It finishes in 2017 on march.
I like this show because isn't monotonous in every chapter exists 2 stories the first one is a crime and the second one is a Grimm and Wesen problem.
notice 3
Pyongyang only reports on South Korea when news are negative
The media of North corea only talks about his Neighbour when the news are negative. The media does this becouse they are bound to talks about a things that benefit the ideology of the dictatorship.
according with North Korean journalists have given to the news about the political fall of the president of south korea.
As the veredict of the supreme court was know by the north corean media they emited a especial event explayning what happened and qualifying the ex south corean president of traitor and witch.
After that the south corean provisional goverment activate the alert for the north because the North corean threat to make a rain of fire against south corea.
Usa re armed the pacific navy for a posible war.
your say 2
First of all I'm a CSGO player and I spend money on it. So I'm not a example to follow.
Today I'm goingn to talk about the skins in this game.
The good specs of this game is that if you buy skins you didn't to kill more you didn't have a bonus of hurt for buy this skins and the game is only focused in the aim of the players.
The second one is if you have lucky you can win money in this game and you cand put it into your wallet.
The bad specs are I don't understand why the skins of the guns are so expensive i know that the market is like the exchange so if there are more demand of skins than the players have the price is going to up and if there are more guns than the people who buys the price of that is going to down.
For example the hyperbeast that is a skin deigned by a famous designer is cheaper than the knight camo who was designed by someones in valve. So if someone can explain me thet I would be grateful
First of all I'm a CSGO player and I spend money on it. So I'm not a example to follow.
Today I'm goingn to talk about the skins in this game.
The good specs of this game is that if you buy skins you didn't to kill more you didn't have a bonus of hurt for buy this skins and the game is only focused in the aim of the players.
The second one is if you have lucky you can win money in this game and you cand put it into your wallet.
The bad specs are I don't understand why the skins of the guns are so expensive i know that the market is like the exchange so if there are more demand of skins than the players have the price is going to up and if there are more guns than the people who buys the price of that is going to down.
For example the hyperbeast that is a skin deigned by a famous designer is cheaper than the knight camo who was designed by someones in valve. So if someone can explain me thet I would be grateful
your say 3
Why the humans have to focus our fury?
For start i have to make 2 questions,
1- what happens if we don't focus the fury
2- why we have to control our fury
The humans have to focus our fury in somethinc because we live ina a societi with rules if we dont' focus our fury our society has destinet to collapse. The humans is a animal that always aspires to wont more, more food more places to live.... and always thinks is bettern than oters. So if the humans don't controls the fury we start to kill for win the things we want.
during the story has been repeated many times that there were people who thought that he was better than others until people tired and made a revolution like in france.
For start i have to make 2 questions,
1- what happens if we don't focus the fury
2- why we have to control our fury
The humans have to focus our fury in somethinc because we live ina a societi with rules if we dont' focus our fury our society has destinet to collapse. The humans is a animal that always aspires to wont more, more food more places to live.... and always thinks is bettern than oters. So if the humans don't controls the fury we start to kill for win the things we want.
during the story has been repeated many times that there were people who thought that he was better than others until people tired and made a revolution like in france.
The only thing that the humans can do is focus the fury the agresivity in a sports like karate kickboxing or boxing mma and relax the every animal in us.
your say 1
The new mobiles in the mobile world congress 2017.
In my opinion the mwc 2017 was the wost one in years.
The brands don't present his new top products and I'm not just talking for the apple this year samsung didnt presented the S8 they are making a event for only present this new smatphone.
Sony also don't present his top xperia z ultra it's true thath you can the mobile in a expositor but you can teted it.
This MWC was focused on double camera smarphones and present the new materials like graphene
that is basically a type of coal. Also in this congress has been presented the new smart clothes or wearables.
because of that reasons I put at this mobile world congress 4 /10.
In my opinion the mwc 2017 was the wost one in years.
The brands don't present his new top products and I'm not just talking for the apple this year samsung didnt presented the S8 they are making a event for only present this new smatphone.
Sony also don't present his top xperia z ultra it's true thath you can the mobile in a expositor but you can teted it.
This MWC was focused on double camera smarphones and present the new materials like graphene
that is basically a type of coal. Also in this congress has been presented the new smart clothes or wearables.
because of that reasons I put at this mobile world congress 4 /10.
notice 2
The american multinational has been anounced that the going to make a coference to anounce his new graphics card.
They make lot of hype for this new GPU becaus in pasta Ti they made a titan but with lower performace. The most interesting thing of that is if you enter in the code of the web page and you search you find a countdow and on it puts Gtx 1080Ti World Reveal on 28 of February.
The new GTX GPU is for the top gamers who need lot of power. It has a new pascal architecture of 16nm and 11 gb of ddr5x 1 gb less than the titan.
The price of the Gtx 1080ti is arroun 900$ and the price of the titan is 1400$ so we can have the same performace with a gtx 1080ti and with a titan x pascal for 500$ less.
The american multinational has been anounced that the going to make a coference to anounce his new graphics card.
They make lot of hype for this new GPU becaus in pasta Ti they made a titan but with lower performace. The most interesting thing of that is if you enter in the code of the web page and you search you find a countdow and on it puts Gtx 1080Ti World Reveal on 28 of February.
The new GTX GPU is for the top gamers who need lot of power. It has a new pascal architecture of 16nm and 11 gb of ddr5x 1 gb less than the titan.
The price of the Gtx 1080ti is arroun 900$ and the price of the titan is 1400$ so we can have the same performace with a gtx 1080ti and with a titan x pascal for 500$ less.
notice 1
The new process unit from AMD will be launched on the market on march 2, and today AMD has done the conference talking about this new processor.
The conference has been done by his maximum co Lisa Su. In this conference lisa has talked about how powerful is his new processor.
The new process unit from AMD will be launched on the market on march 2, and today AMD has done the conference talking about this new processor.
The conference has been done by his maximum co Lisa Su. In this conference lisa has talked about how powerful is his new processor.
the company says that the new processor has the same power of the intel ones but they going to sell it at half of price of this. For example the intel core i7 6900k the top of the intel sokets 2011-51 has a price of 1000$ and AMD 1800X has a price of 500$ and the same performance.
we have to wait until 2 of march to know the real power of this processors and if they are as powerful as it seem.
Also in that conference Lisa su talked about the new graphics card of AMD the Vega and she said that we have to wait until may to know this graphis card.
sábado, 11 de marzo de 2017
Donald Trump message.
Hello Sr President.
First of all you haev to know that i'm soinfluenced by you in the concept of create your millonaire fortune and the way you make that.
But i have to say that i'm not proud of you and obyously the way you think.
I'm not really happy whit how are you trying to make america great, i don't think you have to deport millions of latinos or arabs only because you don't like.
I think that you can make a america great without deports anyone or puting a global warming negationist in a medioambiental deparment.
But if you want to crate some work for the people you can make a special divison for cheking/Spying/controling the refugees during 5 years to confirm that they are or not terrorists.
But I'm sure you're going to make a great america in I hope that you don't destroy the planet with more climate warming or your nuclear weapons.
First of all you haev to know that i'm soinfluenced by you in the concept of create your millonaire fortune and the way you make that.
But i have to say that i'm not proud of you and obyously the way you think.
I'm not really happy whit how are you trying to make america great, i don't think you have to deport millions of latinos or arabs only because you don't like.
I think that you can make a america great without deports anyone or puting a global warming negationist in a medioambiental deparment.
But if you want to crate some work for the people you can make a special divison for cheking/Spying/controling the refugees during 5 years to confirm that they are or not terrorists.
But I'm sure you're going to make a great america in I hope that you don't destroy the planet with more climate warming or your nuclear weapons.
I wish you a good mandate.
martes, 14 de febrero de 2017
aixo es ciencies pel mon contemporani
mujeres de la ciencia
mujeres de la ciencia
Mujer y ciencia, dos términos que raramente se hallan unidos. Las mujeres de ciencia han sido, en la mayoría de los casos, mujeres invisibles, y condenadas al olvido. Y es que la presencia femenina en la ciencia ha sido puesta en tela de juicio, denostada y negada desde el principio de los tiempos. Hoy en día, el número de mujeres en la universidad supera al de hombres pero la distribución es bastante desigual en las distintas disciplinas. Y las mujeres que se aventuran a cursar una carrera científica la llevan a término en muy contadas ocasiones.
Al margen de ello, el objetivo de este artículo no es analizar estos aspectos sino destacar el papel de la mujer en la historia de la ciencia y constatar que la presencia de las mujeres en los ámbitos científicos ha dejado de ser una rareza, pese a que continúa sin alcanzar las posiciones directivas y de poder de sus colegas masculinos.
En nuestra sección de hemeroteca hemos dedicado dos artículos a sendas científicas, coincidiendo con su efemérides, Ada Lovelace, ‘madre’ de la informática, y Rosalind Franklin, ignorada descubridora del ADN. Hoy, con motivo de la celebración de Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia, ofrecemos a nuestros lectores una selección de mujeres que han destacado en diversos campos de la ciencia desde sus albores hasta la actualidad.
Las precursoras
La científica más antigua de la que se tiene noticia, Tapputi-Belatekallim, fabricaba perfumes allá por el 1200 a.c. Tras ella, surge la figura de Hipatia de Alejandría, la matemática, astrónoma y filósofa griega que pagó con su vida la calidad de sus conocimientos.
Maria Sybilla (1647-1717)
Naturalista y entomóloga neerlandesa de prestigio. Con 52 años de edad, en 1699, consiguió el permiso para viajar a Surinam junto con su hija pequeña, con el fin de documentar exhaustivamente la vida vegetal y, sobre todo, la de los artrópodos, convirtiéndose en la primera aventurera en cruzar el océano.
Caroline Herschel (1750-1848)
Astrónoma alemana, se cuenta que un desengaño amoroso la empujó al estudio. Brillante científica descubrió ocho cometas, y fue coinventora del telescopio Herschel
Émilie du Châtelet (1706-1949)
Conocida por ser la traductora de Newton y la amante de Voltaire fue la figura femenina más importante en la física durante la época de la Ilustración en la Francia de principios del siglo XVIII. Matemática, física y filósofa, Émilie es reconocida por ser la traductora al francés de los Philosophiæ naturalisprincipia mathematica de Newton, traducción que es utilizada hasta la fecha por los francoparlantes que quieren conocer las ideas del científico inglés.
Made in Hollywood
Hedy Lamarr (1914-2000)
La primera actriz que salió desnuda en la gran pantalla, apodada como ‘la mujer más bella del mundo’ no era solo fachada. La belleza estaba en el interior...de su cabeza. Hedy estudió ingeniería antes de debutar en Hollywood y poseía conocimientos armamentísticos, que le llevaron a investigar y coinventar junto al compositor Georges Antheil el sistema de retransmisión de ondas por radiofrecuencia, calve para el envío de datos sobre el manejo y lanzamiento de los torpedos de los submarinos aliados en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
España también existe
La docencia marca la trayectoria de las mujeres de ciencia en nuestro país y es que fue una mujer, Beatriz Galindo la seleccionada por Isabel la Católica para educar a sus hijos, los futuros monarcas. Tras ella, han sido muchas las féminas que han destacado en el currículum científico de nuestro país. Partiendo del hecho de que no fue hasta a partir de 1888 que se permitió el acceso de las mujeres a la universidad, las españolas han demostrado que la ciencia no es coto vedado al hombre.
Beatriz Galindo(1465-1534)
Latinista y educadora de la corte de Isabel de Castilla, fue la preceptora de los hijos de los reyes católicos, estudió teología y medicina y escribió poesía en latín. A modo de curiosidad, señalamos que el barrio madrileño de La latina debe su nombre a su figura.
María Andrea Casamayor (?-1780)
Matemática oriunda de Zaragoza, continua siendo una desconocida pese a que Tirocinio Aritmético su única obra, un libro centrado en la divulgación de las reglas básicas de las matemáticas a la poblaciónen el que se advierte su interés por que tenga una aplicación en la vida diaria y los negocios.
María de Maetzu (1881-1948)
‘Es verdad el dicho antiguo de que la letra con sangre entra, pero no ha de ser con la del niño, sino con la del maestro’. impulsora de la pedagogía en nuestro país, esta máxima resume su buen hacer didáctico. María dedicó toda su vida a conseguir la igualdad de la mujer frente al hombre a través de la educación. Fue una de las mujeres más preparadas de su época y revolucionó el sistema educativo español del siglo XX.Exiliada en Argentina falleció en Buenos Aires en 1948.
María Antonia Zorraquino Zorraquino (1904-1993)
Química. Obtuvo el grado de doctora en la Facultad de Ciencias de Zaragoza en 1930, siendo la única mujer entre veintitrés varones de su promoción. Su trabajo fue desarrollado en el Laboratorio de Investigaciones Bioquímicas bajo la dirección de Gregorio Rocasolano, El título de su tesis fue Investigaciones sobre estabilidad y carga eléctrica de los coloides. Tras su matrimonio con el catedrático Juan Martín Sauras, profesor en la Universidad de Zaragoza, tuvo que abandonar el Laboratorio de Química donde desarrollaba su labor.
Margarita Salas (1938)
Renombrada bioquímica cuya vida transcurre dedicada a la investigación en su laboratorio del Centro de Biología Molecular - Severo Ochoa de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/CSIC. Discípula de Severo Ochoa, con quien trabajó en Estados Unidos, fue la encargada por el Nobel luarqués, junto a su marido el científico Eladio Viñuela, de impulsar la investigación española en el campo de la bioquímica y la biología molecular.
Conquistadoras del Nobel
Física, primera mujer en ganar el Nobel, y tras doctorarse en ciencias en impartir clases en una universidad, la Sorbona. Polaca conocida universalmente, adalid de la mujer de ciencia moderna, dama de laboratorio por excelencia, su currículum atesora dos galardones de la Academia sueca. Casada con el también científico francés Pierre Curie, se debe a ella que el matrimonio encaminase sus investigaciones al estudio del radio. Tras quedar viuda, mantuvo relaciones con un físico casado, pero su genialidad científica no le libró de la xenofobia francesa. Falleció a los 74 años, su propio descubrimiento, el radio fue su ejecutor.
Neurobióloga, en 1939 se graduó en la facultad de medicina de la Universidad de Turín, donde permaneció hasta que la política antisemita de Mussolini le hizo abandonarla ese mismo año. En 1947 colabora en la Universidad Washington de San Luis con el zoólogo Viktor Hamburger. En 1986 compartió el premio Nobel de Fisiología y Medicina con S. Cohen (un antiguo colaborador), por su descubrimiento de la sustancia conocida como factor de crecimiento de los nervios, que provoca el crecimiento de las neuronas. En 1952 ahondó en ese experimento hasta comprobar que el crecimiento de los nervios era causado por una sustancia segregada por el tumor. En 1988 publicó su autobiográfica: Elogio de la imperfección. Longeva, fallecería a los 103 años
Química británica, premiada por la Academia Sueca en 1964. En 1969 descubrió la estructura cristalina de la insulina, medicamento fundamental en el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus. Cinco años antes, en 1964, había sido galardonada con el premio Nobel de Química por sus estudios sobre la difracción de rayos X.
Castigadas sin Nobel, todo por la ciencia
Utilizando la técnica de fracción por rayos X, obtuvo la imagen clave de la estructura del ADN, partiendo de ella, sus colegas Watson y Crick hábiles publicaron un estudio en 1953, Rosalind no aparecía por ningún lado. En 1962 los dos recibieron el Nobel de Fisiología o Medicina por sus descubrimientos. Un cáncer había acabo con Rosalind cuatro años antes, con apenas 38 años. De haber estado viva...¿Rosalind hubiese figurado como coautora del gran descubrimiento?
Lise Meitner (1878-1968)
Judía logró escapar del Reich, descubrió la fisión nuclear, pero fue su colega, Otto Hahn quien se hizo con el preciado galardón ocultando, tal y como estaba previsto, la contribución fundamental de su compañera de laboratorio en el descubrimiento.
Es difícil determinar la conciencia feminista de las científicas seleccionadas en este texto, ya que todas ellas por ende lo son en mayor o medida y así lo hemos señalado en varios de sus perfiles. Dos de ellas, sin embargo destacan por su convicciones.
Aletta Jacobs (1854- 1929)
La primera médica holandesa, feminista y pacifista incansable trabajó para perfeccionar métodos anticonceptivos como el diafragma. Cuando era pequeña, decidió que quería ser médica, igual que su padre. Así empezó un camino para librar todos los obstáculos que enfrentaban las mujeres en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX en los Países Bajos, desde las trabas para estudiar una carrera hasta lograr el voto femenino en su país.
Mary Fairfax Somerville (1780 -1872)
En su infancia consiguió estudiar gracias a los libros de matemáticas que le proporcionaba el profesor de su hermano. En 1804 se casó con un capitán de la Armada Rusa, en 1807 enviuda. Ganó una medalla por resolver un problema de ecuaciones diofánticas. Se casó con su primo médico. Estudió griego, botánica, astronomía, matemáticas y física. Tradujo al inglés Mécanique Celeste de Laplace, con comentarios y aclaraciones al texto. En 1848 publicó Physical Geography. Criticó la esclavitud y fue la primera firmante de la petición de Mill del sufragio femenino.. Murió en 1872.
Sofia Vasílievna Kovalévskaya (1881-1891), la primera profesora universitaria rusa de Europa
Desde muy pequeña demostró un gran talento para las matemáticas. Las mujeres no tenían permitido el acceso a la universidad en Rusia, por lo que tuvo que emigrar. Contrajo un matrimonio de conveniencia con un estudiante de paleontología, Vladimir Kovalevski con quien salió de Rusia en 1867. Estudió, con permisos especiales, en las universidades de Heilderberg y Berlín. En 1969 obtuvo su doctorado. En 1884 obtuvo un puesto de profesora por cinco años en la universidad de Estocolmo. Aunque nunca obtuvo una cátedra en Rusia, sí fue nombrada académica de la Academia de Ciencias Rusa. Murió joven en 1891, pero dejó una huella importante en la historia de las matemáticas.
Única hija legítima del poeta romántico más famoso de la literatura inglesa, Lord Byron, creó lo que hoy sería un lenguaje informático de programación. Nunca lo firmó para que no fuera censurado por su condición de mujer. El Departamento de Defensa estadounidense dio su nombre, ADA, a uno de sus lenguajes de programación
Tridente de primatólogas
Mary Douglas Leakey, descubrió un mono extinto ancestral para el ser humano, Jane Goodall estudió como nadie antes a los chimpancés y descubrió que usan herramientas como nosotros. Dian Fossey protegió con firmeza el hábitat de los gorilas y dio a conocer su situación precaria a todo el mundo.
Paleóntologa británica que descubrió el primer cráneo fosilizado Proconsul, un mono extinto que se cree que es ancestral para los seres humanos. Durante su carrera, Leakey descubrió quince nuevas especies de animales. En 1972, después de la muerte de su marido, se convirtió en directora de excavaciones en Olduvai. En 1975 descubrió en Tanzania la mandíbula y los dientes de una especie Homo de 3.750.000 años y cuatro años después, en 1979, d las huellas fosilizadas más antiguas conocidas de un homínido bípedo de 3.600.000 millones de años. Falleció en Nairobi Kenia, a los 83 años.
La inspiradora de la famosa ‘Gorilas en la niebla’, pasó de ocuparse de la educación de niños discapacitados mentales cuando tras un viaje a África en el que conocería al antropólogo Louis Leakey, a a instalarse en Zaire. Dian contaba 35 años. Tímida y de fuerte carácter se inició en el estudio de los gorilas, poniendo en práctica muchos de los métodos que Jane Goodall utilizó en el estudio de chimpancés. Uno los más conocidos consistía en otorgarle en un nombre propio al gorila en el preciso momento en que fuera capaz de reconocerlo, para así diferenciarlo de los demás y poder observarlo con mayor facilidad. Además, logró acercarse a los animales gracias a su intuición. Ferviente luchadora contra la caza furtiva, fue salvajemente asesinada en su vivienda de Karisoke, el 27 de diciembre de 1985.
En 1960 se convirtió en la primera persona en ser aceptada por un grupo de chimpancés. Revolucionó las ideas sobre los primates. En 1977 creó el Instituto que lleva su nombre, entidad conservacionista presente en cien países. Hoy ha llegado ya a los 82 años y vive entregada a una causa que sabe es cada vez más urgente: salvar el planeta. Hace unos días recibió el Premio Personalidad Ambiental del Año de Ecovidrio.
el perills d'internet son relatius ja que si saps el que estas fent no hi ha cap perill.
d'altra banda hi ha coses que els menors no haurien de veure com ara certs adds que posen imatges pujades de to o amb segones intencions.
l'altra perill i dels més comuns son les finestres spam, aquestes a més de molestar i haber de donar a OK o la creueta de tancar produeixen que hi hagin estafes a través d'internet a escala global.
el perills d'internet son relatius ja que si saps el que estas fent no hi ha cap perill.
d'altra banda hi ha coses que els menors no haurien de veure com ara certs adds que posen imatges pujades de to o amb segones intencions.
l'altra perill i dels més comuns son les finestres spam, aquestes a més de molestar i haber de donar a OK o la creueta de tancar produeixen que hi hagin estafes a través d'internet a escala global.
miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017
No Logo Opinion About The Cool Hunters
This part of No logo talks about the cool hunters. The cool hunters is a group of person who works for the brands searching the ''cool'' clothes and the new desings for the brands. The problem of that is they search the desings in the clothes of the people who can become a new products and of course become a new col·lections.
The cool hunters in 90s and 80s they search new products in harlem and bronx of the big cities and they focus his search in the hip hop revolution.
afther that the hoodies start to become popular and the people start to been controlled by the brands.
In my point of view the brands still controling us with his products and actually has appeared a new type of cool hunter it's called influencer and his job is basically influence the people in the social media.
And we had to broke this control of the brands and the influence of the others. Infact the humans are designed to follow other people like the other animals following his leaders.
The cool hunters in 90s and 80s they search new products in harlem and bronx of the big cities and they focus his search in the hip hop revolution.
afther that the hoodies start to become popular and the people start to been controlled by the brands.
In my point of view the brands still controling us with his products and actually has appeared a new type of cool hunter it's called influencer and his job is basically influence the people in the social media.
And we had to broke this control of the brands and the influence of the others. Infact the humans are designed to follow other people like the other animals following his leaders.
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